Updating information
Updating people information
If you are a current student some contact information can be updated by signing into KSIS. For data elements that cannot be updated via Self-Service please refer to the Office of the Registrar website – Student Data Information Change Form (PDF) for assistance.
To edit the visibility of your contact information in the campus phone book and People Directory, sign in to your eProfile.
K-State employees can update address, phone number, emergency contact information, marital status, preferred name, direct deposit, and tax withholdings through employee self-service. Only official work information will display within People Search results, employees should reach out to their department HR Liaison to update.
Updating unit or department information
If your unit or department changes its name, location, phone number, etc., contact directories@k-state.edu.
Updating web information
When a K-State webpage is updated, the changes are reflected in web searches as Google reindexes the page, which may take a few weeks to a few months.